Things You Do Not Know About "Pause Mode" in MMM

🍀Pause mode🍀

Permit me to teach or enlighten you about MMM pause mode.

🎯What is Pause mode: Pause is when you don't have access to
your mavro for a period of time.

🎯What is the important of Pause mode: To regulate the system and to enhance continuity  of mavro never to crash.
🎯What can cause Pause mode to happen: When there is more withdrawal (GH) than deposit (PH).

🎯How can we prevent Pause mobde: By providing more help(PH) than withdrawal (GH)and don't leave your mavro more than 30 Days. e.g When you GH you give another participant to PH. "Its a movement lets not allow it to get stock" we should not  pileup Mavro for too long this will go a long way to help the system continue working.

🎯 If Pause mode happens does it means MMM as crash: NO
pause mode will only happen for a while ( weeks or months) After which it will be release once the system is regulate.

🎯If there is no case where GH is more than PH will MMM continue to work: YES it will work perfectly.

🎯If Pause mode happens what should participant do: You should not panic. Patients is the key because the Pause mode will be lifted after a period of time.


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