MMM to Crash Soon
Contrary to the cry for attention from the SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, NIGERIA (SEC) that obviously don't know much about MMM(at least they don't know the correct url), is still growing, and my mavro is growing like grass every Tuesdays and Thursdays. So disregard every news from one of the numerous useless government parastatal confusing people after receiving Brown envelopes from their pay masters. How can even sun news papers carry this useless and baseless news without proper investigations? What the hell is Let me quote the SEC article: The attention of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Nigeria (“SEC”) has been drawn to the activities of an online investment scheme tagged ‘MMM Federal Republic of Nigeria ( The platform has embarked on an aggressive online media campaign to lure the investing public to participate in what it called “mutual aid financial network” with a monthly investm...