Internal and External Advertisement for Senior Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff Vacancies

Federal University Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State is located in Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State commenced academic activities in July, 2012. Applications are hereby, invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill senior staff vacancies in the following Departments of the University for teaching and non-teaching staff. TEACHING STAFF VACANCIES: There exists vacancies for the positions of (a) Professors (b) Readers (c) Senior Lecturers (d) Lecturers I (e) Lecturers II (e) Assistant Lecturers and (f) Graduate Assistants in the following departments and areas: Business Management Accounting Political Science and Public Administration Geography and Town Planning Economics and Development Studies Sociology History and Strategic Studies English Language Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Basic and Industrial Chemistry Physics and Electronics Biology Zoology Botany Microbiology and Parasitology Mathematics and Statistics Computer Science and Information Technology...