The Audacity of CHANGE: History has a way to repeating itself. Between Goodluck Jonathan and John Mahama #Change is constant

- Jonathan was Vice President and succeeded Late President Umar Yar'adua.

Mahama was Vice President and suceeded Late President Attah Mills.

- Jonathan completed Yar Adua's tenure and constested his 1st term election and won convincingly.

 Mahama completed Attah Mill's tenure and contested his 1st term election and won convincinly.

- Jonathan contested for a 2nd term at age 58, and was soundly beaten by Buhari,  a 72 years old opposition candidate.

Mahama contested for a 2nd term at age 58, and was given a comprehensive shellacking by 72 years old Nana Addo of the opposition party NPP.

- Corruption was the most potent arsenal the opposition used to torpedo Jonathan and Mahama out of power.

- Jonathan called to congratulate Buhari and conceded after a hard fought battle.

Mahama also called Nana Addo to congratulate and concede to him.

- Nana Addo like Muhammadu Buhari contested the presidential election and failed three times before he succeeded.

- Jonathan and John begin with the letter "J."

- Nigeria went into recession shortly after Jonathan was booted out of power, even though he was largely responsible for preparing the sour egwusi soup of recession Nigeria's are currently been fed by Buhari.

The question is now that Ghanians have embraced #Change, are they going to also have the Nigerian experience? Will the 72 years old Nana Addo hit the ground running or like Buhari he will take a six month nap to rest his joints from the rigours of the campaign, before reporting for duty?

No doubt President John Mahama ran one of the most corrupt government in the history of Ghana.  Will incoming President Nana Addo be decisive enough and make hard choices in his bid to clear the augean stables?  Will he put Mahama in the dock and let him account for his loots or like Buhari he will systematically go after his allies and allow the Big Masquerade to transform into a globetrotter delivering circus lectures on peaceful transition of power?

What about the good people of Ghana? Will they remain divided across party lines and morph up into #WailingWailers or #HailingHailers?

Now that hurricane #Chanji has berthed in Ghana, will the Ghanian Cedi like the Nigerian Naira plunge against the Dollar?

Will the economy go into recession?

Question!  Questions and more questions from the land of the rising star!

While we ruminate over these avalanche of burning questions,  Ladies and gentlemen, join me in welcoming black Africa's brand new President, Nana Akufo-Addo.


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