Omg !!! Woman reveals jealous boyfriend ‘inspects her’ and only lets her shower with him

A woman who has only been with her boyfriend
for six months already fears she is committing
herself to a man desperate to hurt her .
Richonda turns to professional help after
Josh’ s control issues become too much.
The 33- year- old reveals he ’ s so controlling he
“inspects ” her and only lets her shower with

Appearing on The Maury Povich Show , she
says he won ’ t let her speak to friends and
family and has also taken her phone away .
“Apparently Josh is the kind of guy feels 24
hours a day you are going to cheat on him , ”
Maury replies .
“You cannot take a shower alone?”
“No. I have to take a shower with him. When
he ’ s ready , I have to be ready. ”
“Why? Because he thinks when he leaves you
will do something ?
Richonda adds that she ’ s not allowed to shave
her legs or private parts and she ’ s also not
allowed to wear leggings or tight tops because
he thinks she just “wants attention from men”.
When Josh comes on stage, Maury asks him
what he ’ s so afraid of.
“Why does she need to take a shower when
you’ re not there ? Why are you so insecure ?”
he presses .
“Because of what she ’ s already done – texting
her ex ,” Josh replies .
“You take away her phone and you love her ,
you tell her what to wear and you love her , you
do body inspections on her and you love her , ”
he says sarcastically.


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