Love In The Air: See The Surprised Gifts JJC Gave To His Wife Funke Akindele On Christmas Day

The newly wedded actress , Funke Akindele got a lovely suprise on Christmas day from her husband, JJC Skillz at their new home in Lagos
state . So sweet !

Part 2: 

Location for delivery is always the
first thing I ask for, when @jjcskillz Told
me the location was @amen _ estate _lagos
I wanted to faint, I was like heck no!!! ????
that ' s a long journey. But little did we
know , the road was smooth all the way , in
less than an hour, we got to our
destination . When we got to the estate
hhhhhhhmmmm . All I could say to myself
was , I had to start saving to get a
property @ amen_ estate _lagos , so
peaceful , children friendly, security on
point , trust me guys , it was worth the
drive , good job sir
@ babatundegbadamosi ??? I remember
asking @ funkejenifaakindele If we could
post the video , she said to me, if her
husband says it is OK , talk about a
submissive and virtue woman. @ jjcskillz is
also a definition of a good husband , I have
approached many men in this business,
asking them to surprise wifey, and they
say to me , ' abegi jor ' don ' t ever take your
spouse , friends , family for granted , always
do something to remind them you still
care , using Royal Hugs obviously ???? So
this was very romantic and thoughtful of
you @jjcskillz God bless your home in
Jesus name . Would be doing a part 3
later in the day. # aaaawwwhh # royalhugs
# surprisedelivery # love # family # happy
# queen # luxury #luxurygifts


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