Happy New Year 2017 !!!

May it be year of new dawn. There will no untimely death in tour family. May everything you touch turn to gold. May
every door you knock on open for you. May all your dreams come true. May you be blessed beyond your wildest imagination. There will be breakthrough upon breakthrough.
You will receive as much as you give. God will never depart from you. Your
business will not fail. It will prosper. Your home will not break, it will florish. Your children will not die, they will live to take care of you. Your parents will not die, they will live to enjoy you.
No weapon fashioned against you will prosper. Your enemies will never be able to touch you. May you not fall sick. May you not be involved in an accident. May you not lose your job. May only good things happen to you!

Happy New Year Brethren.
Have a prosperious 2017,
Loved Ones.
Samson Ogunbameru


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