‘You are killing the future of Nigeria ’ – Vector writes open letter to the Federal Government

This post first appeared on liveofofo.com

This open letter was written to the Federal
Government by rapper Olanrewaju Ogunmefun ,
‘ Vector ’ , in protest of the planned data rate

hike enforced by the Nigerian Communications
Commission ( NCC) . Read below …
Dear Federal Government,
You have come a long way with your policies
and rule. You have concerned yourself with
nothing but the present hence making it look
like the constitution has to be remixed and
renamed “Your WILL ” before your demise . You
have ignored the children you saw grow and
focused on the ones from your sperm cells and
ovulation that you aren ’ t seeing grow because
they have been shipped off to “better grounds”
for education . You have put your wives in other
rooms BUT that of improtance forgetting ( if you
married a good woman) they balance you when
you go astray. You have failed to embrace the
spirit and letter of the Almighty you worship be
it any religion . You have failed the man you see
in d mirror because he isnt a beast or
metaphysical being you don ’ t understand. No ,
He is the posterboy/girl for greed . You have
forgotten how you felt when you were coming
up but remember this … you will not forget how
you fall. Your money… my bad… our money you
take will shame you when you need it the
most . The hustling are finding ways to be
better but you just want to take from them
without giving back . You focus on chasing
thieves but never focus on securing the vault
they steal from . In the history of our existence
as a generation, we have never gotten levelled
platforms to play as we have gotten with the
internet. The people have become more
exposed to business ideas , global news,
information sharing from continent to continent
between seconds . Industry has gotten global
awareness because of this.


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