Happy 10th Year Anniversary My Queen Linda Ikeji on Your Blog - Samson Ogunbameru

Queen of bloggers in Nigeria and mentor to upcoming bloggers, Miss Linda Ikeji yesterday was her 10 years she has been into blogging. According to her on her blog site she released a graphic photo of her first blog she posted on her blog site. She continued by saying that the starting was not easy that it took her six months to get 10 comments on a news she posted and now with time she has graduated to become the queen of bloggers in Nigeria and Africa in a whole. She also acknowledged the moral support of  BellaNaija

I wish you more success in all your endeavours Ma. I also wish you all the best in your journey of life. And I pray your marital status should change In Jesus Name. Amen #HAPPYTENTHYEARANNIVERSARYMY QUEEN# #THESKYISNOTYOURLIMIT# #SAMSONAJAYIOGUNBAMERULOVESYOUMYQUEENMYLADYLINDAIKEJI#

Giving her TEN (10) PHOTO GBOSA

Read more >> http://www.lindaikejisblog.com/2016/11/oh-my-lib-was-10-years-old-yesterday.html?m=1


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